Welcome to Leilukin's Hub!
Hello! You can call me Leilukin. Welcome to my website! This site is my own personal hub and corner on the internet.
You can browse all my contents published on this site through the Archive page, or the Content Categories page. You can use the site map to navigate this website.
Feel free to drop a message and say hi on my guestbook! You can also contact me by sending me an email.
Read the About page to learn more about this site and its webmaster.
Enjoy your stay!
Link to My Website
You can link to my website with the following button. I strongly recommend you to upload my site button to your own website instead of hotlinking the button.

(Credit to hekate2 for their 88x31 Web Button Maker!)
What is New?
Major News: 31 May 2024
Leilukin's Hub now has a custom domain name: leilukin.com
! In addition, this site is now hosted on Netlify.
You can read my blog post about the new domain name and hosting change for more information.
My Lastest Status
Changelog: 4 June 2024
- Preload the Lexend regular and Lexend 700 font files to improve site performance, remove flash of unstyled text (FOUT) and prevent Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
- Replace the Webrings section of my home page with a Badges section (though you can still see the list of webrings I have joined on my Links page).
- Updates to Leilukin's Hub will no longer be pushed to Neocities. Read the "What Happens Now with My Neocities Account" section of my blog post, "Custom Domain Name and Hosting Change for Leilukin's Hub" for more information.
You can subscribe to the Leilukin's Hub RSS feed to get notified of the updates on this website.
Always Proud

Credit to Dime for these pride buttons!
Support Me
If you enjoy my work, you can support me on Ko-Fi.